Beatrix Breitinger
LL.M., Maître en droit (Paris II-Assas)
Attorney at Law, Certified Specialist in IP Law
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Beatrix Breitinger has extensive experience in trademark, design and unfair competition law matters as an Attorney at Law. She develops global trademark and design portfolio strategies in various industries and provides strategic advice on the optimization and consolidation. She represents clients in EU-wide infringement proceedings as well as in non-contentious proceedings before the Offices. She is further specialized in handling border seizure procedures in cases of product piracy. Her field of expertise also includes the drafting and negotiating of contracts, such as license and coexistence agreements, as well as providing legal advice on competition law issues related to marketing and advertising campaigns.
Beatrix Breitinger is a certified Specialist in Intellectual Property Law and also holds a Master's degree in Intellectual Property Law (LL.M. IP). She studied law at the University of Munich and the University of Paris II-Assas on a scholarship awarded by the DFH. She completed her studies of law in Paris with the Licence and the Maîtrise en droit. Beatrix Breitinger specialized in Intellectual Property law during the Master’s Program of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Centre and the George Washington University Law School, which focused on IP rights under both European and U.S.-American law.
Prior to joining WUESTHOFF & WUESTHOFF, Beatrix Breitinger gained experience in one of the top-tier film and media law firms in Munich, where she mainly handled trademark, copyright and unfair competition law matters, as well as in a notable law firm in Paris and in the Directorate General Internal Market of the European Commission in Brussels.
She is a member of the GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property) as well as a member of the Design Committee of the ECTA (European Community Trademark Association) and participates in meetings of the WIPO Working Group on the Legal Development of the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.
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