Wuesthoff & Wuesthoff
M. Sc.

Yannic Eichler joined the German Armed Forces in 2010 and studied electrical engineering and information technology at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, specialising in theoretical electrical engineering, in particular numerical field calculation and simulation.

In 2015, Yannic Eichler completed his studies with a master's thesis in information technology on the topic of "Transient Finite Element Simulation of the Frequency Depending Polarization of Biological Cells in Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields". After completing his studies, Yannic Eichler qualified as an electronic warfare officer.

From 2017 to 2019, Yannic Eichler was assigned as a platoon leader and company operations officer in the field of communication and signal intelligence and was responsible for training and operational planning as well as the evaluation of highly sensitive data. From 2019 to 2023, Yannic Eichler was deployed as a project officer and was responsible for the planning, initiation and support of technically highly complex armaments projects in the field of signals intelligence. In this role, Yannic Eichler consulted and cooperated with various national and international departments and cooperation partners.

Yannic Eichler joined WUESTHOFF & WUESTHOFF in October 2023 as part of his training as a patent attorney. His practice focuses in particular on general electrical engineering, semiconductor technology and information and communication technology.

Our team

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