Trade mark glossary

Trademark Glossary

There are numerous technical terms in trademark law. We explain these in our Trademark Glossary.

Term Main definition
Warning letter

A warning letter is used by one person to point out to another person the violation of IP rights and threatening to take legal action if the violation does not cease and no compensation for damages is paid.

Wholesale services

Wholesale services include services directly related to wholesale activity.


WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) is, where, among other things, international trademarks and designs can be registered.

Synonyms - World Intellectual Property Organization,OMPI,International Bureau
Word mark

The word mark usually gives the owner the broadest protection. It also offers greater flexibility in terms of use than other forms of trademark. In particular, the word mark can be used in the usual upper and lower case lettering or in various commonly used fonts.

Word mark or word/figurative mark?

If the applicant is interested in the particular typeface design, color, font arrangement, or graphic elements, a word/figurative mark is recommended.

Advice for use in practice: The protection of a word/figurative mark, however, only refers to the mark as a whole. A word/figurative mark does not protect the word and the image separately.

Word/figurative mark

Word/figurative mark contains graphic elements and Latin characters. The registration may also be made in color.

Work title

see Title

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For additional information see our FAQ or our Trademark Glossary.

Trademark Glossary
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